Jose Angel Gutiérrez
Jose Angel Gutiérrez

Mi página Web:

En ella podré mostraros de un modo global y fácilmente accesible toda la documentación archivada cronológicamente en las pestañas laterales. 

Espero que os guste!

My Web page:

You can see in a comprehensive and easily accessible all documents filed chronologically in the side tabs. 

I Hope you like it!

Course of History and Archaeology in Syria

Lecture: Canaanites and Phoenicians in Syria: Qatna, Ugarit, Amrit and Arwad. May 18 2010.

Presentation of the Course of History and Archaeology in Syria.

    Lecture: Mari and Ebla. April 6, 2010.

Lecture: The Hauran: the basalt prosperous syrian kingdom. May 27, 2008.

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© Jose Angel Gutierrez Diseño y grafismo.